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Understanding the healthcare system in France
HEY! You've just arrived in France and are hearing about "Carte Vitale," "feuilles de soins," "tarifs conventionnés," "sécurité sociale,"...

The Erasmus days are back from October 6th to 14th!
© ❓What are those? Events over 6 days, organized by and for citizens! Are you settling in a foreign country and you would...

List of documents you need to collect before arriving in France
Before you arrive in France, the best thing to do is to collect all your important documents. You'll be asked for them when you enrol at...

Which bank should you choose when you arrive in France?
As for most banks in France, you can open a bank account in person at a local agency or online on the website of the bank. Some banks for...

How to get a free consultation with a lawyer in France?
In France it is possible to get a free consultation with a lawyer. We explain everything in this article. First option : the Bar...

ADATE, the association fighting for the rights of foreigners in France
ADATE is an association whose mission is to welcome, inform, guide and provide socio-legal and linguistic support to any foreigner who...

How to subscribe to a phone plan in France?
Have you just moved to France ? Do you want to get a French phone number? What are the solutions? Do you already have a French bank...

How to find a sworn translator in France?
You may need a French translation of a document written in a foreign language in some situations (enrolment at university, exchanging a...

How to get a driving licence in France if you don't speak French?
How do I get my driving licence in France if I don't speak French? How can I get the theoretical and practical driving licence in France...

Banks for Spanish speakers in France
Do you speak Spanish or Portuguese and don't speakFrench well ? Do you want to open a bank account ? Do you have questions about your...

Banks for English speakers in France
Do you speak English but don't speak French well? Do you want to open a bank account? Do you have a question about your bank card? Don't...

Useful numbers to know when moving to France
How to contact the police? The emergencies ? Firefighters in France? Here are some important numbers: 112: the European emergency number...

Traditional banks, online banks and neobanks in France
Boursorama banque, N26, Revolut, Société Générale... Which one should you choose? What are the differences between traditional banks,...
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