As for most banks in France, you can open a bank account in person at a local agency or online on the website of the bank. Some banks for Spanish speakers (CIC Iberbanco) and for English speakers exist. Depending on your situation (whether or not you have European bank details or a mailing address), Spiky will show you the best way to proceed!

👉To open a bank account, you will need :
Your ID card or passport
Your residence permit (unless you are a European Union citizen)
A proof of residence in France (electricity bill, rent receipt, proof of accommodation, etc.)
If you are a student : the photocopy of your student card
👉If you do not have European bank details (RIB), here are some solutions :
🧡Our favorite : Revolut, the bank that offers a free bank account without conditions. No need for a European bank details, and no need for proof of accommodation nor of income ! Click on this link or subscribe via the Spiky Communiy app to get 3 months for free on the Premium subscription ! It allows you to save €24 !
Traditional banks. You won’t need a French bank details (RIB) but you must be a French resident. You will have to create an account in a local agency. Careful, the services are more expensive than in online banks.
👉If you have European bank details (RIB), you can choose :
An online bank - Monabanq, Orange Bank, Hello Bank - You must have European bank details (RIB) and be a French resident. Their services are cheaper than in traditional banks. You can subscribe to an account in just a few clicks, directly online.
Traditional banks.