UniR is an association that accompanies refugees and asylum seekers through academic orientation meetings, French courses, professional workshops and a specific programme for women. The association works to promote higher education as a vehicle for integration.
🧑Access requirements:
You are +18 years old
You have refugee status, you are a beneficiary of subsidiary protection or an asylum seeker
You have obtained the equivalent of the French baccalauréat
You live in Ile-de-France
✉️ Contact : contact@uni-r.org
Personalised support

UniR offers a personalised support programme for refugees and asylum seekers in their academic integration.
📁 UniR helps with preparation of the application file, registration, preparation for an interview, writing a CV...
✉️ Contact : contact@uni-r.org
Socio-professional integration group workshops

Group workshop programme for refugees and asylum seekers who are in the process of professional and/or academic integration.
📍 Adress : 13 rue Santeuil 75005 Paris, 🚇 Censier-Daubenton
💼Two workshops are held each month on repeated topics:
CV and cover letter writing
Job interview training (with individual simulations)
Identifying and enhancing one's strengths
FLE 2.0

Traditional French lessons led by a teacher in a classroom + online exercises.
💬 2 sessions per year, level A1, A2, B1, B2:

A 6-month women-to-women mentoring programme with the aim of supporting refugee and asylum-seeking women in their academic and professional careers, through networking with local women.
👭2 promotions per year:
April to October
October to April

A discussion group, or group therapy, which brings together refugees and asylum seekers who wish to share their life experiences and express emotional difficulties with the support of two psychologists.
Cultural activities

Every month UniR offers cultural activities (workshops, museums, concerts, films, etc.).