Want to use public transport 🚇 in Lyon, but don't know how it works? Which pass is best for me? What's better between a pass or tickets 🎫 ? This article will probably make it clearer to you!

© Mairie Lyon 1
There are different types of passes, according to your age, your family situation and your wages! A pass will be helpful to you if you are in Lyon for many months and if you use public transport on a daily basis, or many times a week.
7-days pass : 22 € per week
4 to 10 year-olds : 9,30 € per month (annual price : 100 € per year)
11 to 17 year-olds : 23,30 € per month (annual price : 243 € per year)
18 to 25 year-olds, 26 and 27 year-old students : 25 € per month (annual price : 250 € per year)
26 to 64 year-olds : 69,40 € (-50% for employees with the Prime Transport)
Pensioner from 60 to 64 years old, 65 year-olds and more : 34,70 € per month
Big family (parent with at least 3 children under the age of 18) : 48,50 € per month
Solidarity free pass (RSA, AAH, ASI, ASPA, visually impared, Contrat d'Engagement Jeune, Garantie Jeunes, RSJ, asylum seeker, residence permit applicant) : free
Solidarity, reduced price (ARE, AREF, RFPE, RFF, ASP, ASS, ASSF, CIE, CAE, CDDI, Contrat « Parcours Itinéraire emploi renforcé », 18-24 year-olds at Pôle Emploi, FAJ, CMUC, CSS, AME, highschool students and university students with scholarship, SEGPA, ULIS, ITEP, IME) : 10 € per month (annual price : 100 €)
Children under the age of 4 : free
Normal ticket : 2 € (for 1 hour)
10-ticket booklet : 19 €
10-ticket booklet for under 26 year-olds and 26 and 27 year-old students : 16,30 €
10-ticket booklet for big families : 14,10 €
Ticket for 2 hours : 3,50 €
Evening ticket : 3,50 €
Ticket for 24 hours : 6,50 €
Ticket for 48 hours : 12,50 €
Ticket for 72 hours : 17 €
1 day family ticket (1 adult + 1, 2, 3 or 4 children / 2 adults + 1, 2 or 3 children) : 6,50 €
TCL en fête ticket (Fête de la Musique, Fête des Lumières) : 3,50 €
Tick'Air (when there are pollution alerts) : 3 €
Ticket prices are different depending on how long you travel for : for example, if you are staying in Lyon for a week-end and are planning to take public transport a lot, we recommend you take a 24h, 48H or 72H ticket. ⚠️ It is possible that because of air pollution, the Transports en COmmun Lyonnais (TCL) put in place the Tick'Air ticket (more info here: https://www.tcl.fr/tickets-abonnements/titres-et-tarifs/tickair).