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Mental health: how to get help in France?

Do you need help? Do you need to talk to a healthcare professional? Do you suffer from stress, depression...? Many solutions are available in France. It is even possible to see a psychologist doctor who speaks your language. There are free associations or paid solutions, solutions dedicated to students or to everyone.

💡The National Suicide Prevention Number. Available 24/7 throughout the national territory (France and Overseas), this phone number allows you to talk to a nurse or a psychologist, specially trained in suicide prevention and in particular in crisis intervention over the phone.

🎓Help for students only

Are you a student and do you have sleep or stress problems? Dark thoughts, suicidal thoughts? Here are the contacts and useful information to benefit from free psychological support.


Nightline is an association and a listening line made by students, for students. Free night listening service, it is accessible either by telephone or by chat, from 9pm to 2am.

  • ☎️Nightline phone numbers for your city are available here

  • 👉Are you studying in Paris? You can look for all the useful information here

  • 💶Free

Get help at your university directly 👉University health services (SSU, SUMPPS ou SIUMPPS). Specific to students enrolled in a university, these are services located on the campuses of institutions that offer free medical and/or psychological or psychiatric appointments.

👉University Psychological Help Desks (BAPU). Public centres that offer free psychological support to students (not just university students), often for medium and long-term treatment.

Benefit from 8 free consultations - Santé Psy Étudiant

The “Santé Psy Étudiant” system allows all students who wish to do so to have access to up to 8 free consultations with a psychologist, without any advance payment.

  1. Consult a GP for a referral letter

  2. Choose a psychologist from the list (you can choose a language filter)

  3. Let's go !

🆘Help for all French-speaking and non-French-speaking newcomers

Call a help number in English - SOS HELPLINE

Open to anyone who speaks English – 7 days a week – 3pm-11pm

Free, anonymous and confidential listening service that provides empathetic, non-judgmental emotional support to those going through a difficult time.

TerraPsy - Psychology without borders

Intercultural psychological support, by telephone, and/or face-to-face (Rouen and Le Havre), by multilingual psychologists.


Online psychologist consultation with multilingual health professionals. The first session is free.


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