How to find a general practitioner in France? How does the healthcare system work in France? Can I directly consult a medical specialist without seing through my general practitioner first? We explain everything to you!
The general practitioner and "regular general practitioner"
If you want to guarantee full reimbursement of your healthcare costs, you must find a regular general practitioner or general practitioner.

📑 During the first visit to your general practitioner, you will receive a registration form to fill out and send to your CPAM (Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie).
⚠️ In many regions of France, it is difficult to find a general practitioner ready to accept new patients.

The most frequently used website to make medical appointments is Doctolib. Sometimes, you are asked if you have already met this doctor ("Avez-vous déjà consulté ce praticien?"). In this case, it means that the doctor is not accepting a new patient, so you have to find another one.
💡 Tip: Choose a doctor from the list of practitioners who have the mention "online consultation - new patient" (in the filter bar).
The costs of an appontment with a general practitioner
Until you get your carte vitale, each time you have a consultation with your doctor, you will receive a receipt ("feuille de soin").

📩 You must send the "feuille de soin"+ the prescription + your "certificate" (or the details of the European health insurance card) to your local CPAM for reimbursement. To find your CPAM it's here!
💰 Standard price for a consultation: 25€
Care pathways and specialists
If you wish to consult a specialist, you must be referred by your regular GP, otherwise you will pay higher specialist fees and benefit from a lower reimbursement (30%).

👉Exception: you can consult a specialist without seeing through your general practitioner first to consult paediatricians, ophthalmologists, gynaecologists or medical emergencies.