Vital needs Lyon - Emergency
Eat, food, free meals
- Food distribution in the street: associations take over to help and offer meals in the street (with a truck). You can check the collect point in Lyon in this map . They also sometimes offer help for formalities or care.
- Meals on site: You have different places called "Escale solidaire" in Lyon. You can check it in this map . In this place, you can get a dinner for 2€. You also have some activities organized to create social meetings. You have to phone before to book a meal or an activity: 06 65 75 81 32
- S ocial restaurant: f or people in great difficulty and without resources, the municipal social restaurant prepares and serves hot meals every lunchtime in Lyon, distributed from 12 pm to 2 p.m., Monday to Friday.
- Food boxes by les Restaurants du Coeur: the main activity of which is to distribute food packages and hot meals to those in need. You have different times and places to register in Lyon. Have a look of the map to know the nearest center. People not registered yet are given an emergency package.
The city of Lyon has created a guide listing the associations concerned here. [ONLY IN FRENCH]
Sleep - emergency shelters
If you are looking for a place to sleep, just call the 115 - it's the Social Emergency number. The call is totally free and possible every day of the year, including weekends and public holidays, H24. You could be directed to an emergency accommodation center

Showers and toilets
You can take a shower and wash your clothes ​ for free in specific day centers in Lyon. Have a look of the map to check the nearest center.
The list of public toilets is available on the Grand Lyon Toodego website

For general medicine:
Pass (in Hospitals) means free medical consultation with social services for people with no health insurance. A social worker and a doctor will be there for the first appointment. It can help to be accompanied by a French speaker or to have the translation app "Traducmed". Here is a list of PASS with no appointment needed:
HÔPITAL EDOUARD HERRIOT - Get there very early in the morning (from 6:30am)
Monday to Friday: 8:45am -1pm and 1:30pm- 4:30pm (shuts at 2pm on Thursday).
5, place d'Arsonval 69003
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9am-5pm
Friday 9am-12am
95, boulevard Pinel 69500 Bron
You also can be helped by the medical organization Médecin du Monde:
DOCTORS OF THE WORLD: CASO - Free medical consultations, for people without health insurance only.
Monday and Friday 9am-11am
Tuesday and Wednesday 1:30-4:30pm
15, boulevard Vivier Merle 69003 Lyon
DOCTORS OF THE WORLD: THE BUS - Health prevention, healthcare, someone to talk to. Open to all.
Thursday 7pm- 10pm
Place Carnot 69002
For mental health:
​ Languages available: English, Arabic, Farsi, Tigrinya and Amharic.
Monday to Friday 2pm-5.30pm
Wednesday 10am-1pm (women only)
La Rayonne - 24 bis rue Alfred de Musset, 69 100 Villeurbanne
For eyes/teeth
Emergency/ dental PASS
Monday to Friday 8:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Saturday mornings 8:30 am - 11:00 am (warning: arrive early).
5, place d'Arsonval 69003 Lyon (PAVILLION A)
For people without medical coverage
Wednedsay 2-5pm: eyes problems T
Thursday 2-5pm: dental problems
15 rue Cavenne 69007 Lyon
For pediatrics and pregnancy:
Pediatric consultations (UNDER 16 years old), make an appointment by phone ( Long delays)
Pediatric emergency: no appointment necessary
59, boulevard Pinel 69500 Bron
Support during pregnancy
Only with appointment
For contraception, abortion, pregnancy check-ups, and Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI), you can go to a CPEF
Ask for help to people nearby
Here are two apps I would like to recommend to you :
Entourage : free app and web platform that allows neighbors and homeless people to meet. You also can find solidarity places in this map
Bedfoodcoffee : mobile application to help people in difficulty simply and for free. You can look for food or a bed nearby.